C12(O16,α)Mg24Excitation Functions and Statistical-Model Calculations for High-Spin States inMg24

High-resolution excitation functions were measured in the energy range Ec.m.=1925 MeV for the C12(O16,α) reaction to highly excited states in Mg24 (Eexc13.517.5 MeV). The strong, rapid observed fluctuations suggest a predominately compound-nucleus reaction mechanism. The selective population of high-spin states in Mg24 by the present reaction in contrast to the lack of such selectivity in the N14(N14,α) reaction can readily be explained by Hauser-Feshbach statistical-model calculations. A fluctuation analysis indicates coherence widths of 90-150 keV, and cross correlations were found to be small and thus compatible with a purely statistical compound-nucleus process.