Each of 65 laboratories analyzed 10 whole-blood samples for erythrocyte protoporphyrin by one or more of several analytical procedures. These procedures were of two types: (a) extraction of protoporphyrin from the erythrocytes into ethyl acetate/acetic acid, re-extraction into hydrochloric acid, and fluorometric measurement; or (b) direct reading in a portable fluorometer (hematofluorometer), with no pretreatment of the blood sample. Interlaboratory correlation was generally poor, especially between laboratories using extraction procedures. Hematofluorometric results intercorrelated better, but they had a low bias as compared to the extraction approach. Nationwide standardization of the test is required to assure satisfactory interlaboratory performance and to identify laboratories whose results are sufficiently accurate to be used for interpretations according to guidelines set forth by the Center for Disease Control for erythrocyte protoporphyrin testing.