Wrist Kinematics During Pitching

A computerized hand and wrist motion analysis sys tem was modified to capture data at a rate of up to 1000 Hz. Using this system, wrist flexion and exten sion data were collected on five right-handed profes sional pitchers (75 pitches). A wrist position versus time graph was generated for each pitch. The pitch data produced a reproducible analysis of motion for the majority of the pitches regardless of pitcher. Based on the graphic display of data points, four phases of wrist motion during a pitch were identified. The first phase is the cocking phase, or the motion of the wrist as it moves into maximum extension. This is then followed by the most explosive phase, the ac celeration phase, which represents ball propulsion. At ball release, the wrist progresses through flexion and there is a consistent decrease in wrist velocity, known as the deceleration phase. Finally, there is the re covery phase, or the return of the wrist toward neutral. Average values for wrist range of motion, length of phase, and angular velocity (degrees per second) were calculated for each phase of the pitch. This study represents a major step toward quantifying mo tion of the wrist during a pitch. The ability to quantify this motion may prove valuable in the assessment of throwing athletes after injury and rehabilitation.

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