Study of the interaction of DNA and acridine orange by various optical methods

The degree of binding of acridine orange to DNA, native or denatured, has been determined by equilibrium dialysis in 0.1M and 0.001M NaCl at 20°. The nature of the binding process has been investigated by studying various optical properties of the dye–DNA complexes and by relating them to the binding ratio. All these properties were found to vary quantitatively and qualitatively according to the successive stages of the process. These stages were assumed to be a strong binding of intercalated monomers followed by formation of bound dimers and finally by external binding of aggregates of native DNA.Absorption spectra of the complexes could be interpreted on that basis.Circular dichroism spectra were resolved into components: one band for intercalated monomers without interactions, two excition splittings for interacting monomers and bound dimers, respectively, weak bands and exciton splitting for external aggregates.The fluorescence intensity was greatly enhanced in intercallated monomers; its quenching at higher binding ratio was quantitatively related to dimer fixation. The value of the anisotropy of fluorescence at low binding ratio suggested a limited mobility of intercalated monomers; the decrease of polarization at higher binding was attributed to energy transfer between monomers.Electric dichroism displayed by the complexes in the dye absorption bands indicated an orientation of the bound molecules quite parallel to the base rings at low binding. In the range of fixation of dimers and external molecules, the dichroism was lower but still indicated an important degree of ordering.