Crystal field effect and paramagnetic susceptibility of Na5Eu(MoO4)4 and Na5Eu(WO4)4

Fluorescence spectra have been analyzed at 4.2, 77, and 300 K and crystal field calculations have been performed on Na5Eu(MO4)4 (M=Mo, W) powders. The two sets of crystal field parameters are almost identical yielding a rms deviation of 5 cm1. The values are (in cm1): B20 =200 (180), B40 =−326 (−330), B44 =−863 (−852), B64 =−442 (−416), and B66 =−327 (−339) for Na4Eu(MoO4)4 and Na5Eu(WO4)4, respectively. Wave functions derived from the simulation were applied to the calculation of the temperature dependent paramagnetic susceptibility. Comparisons with experimental average paramagnetic susceptibilities, measured between 4.2 and 300 K, are very satisfactory.