A renormalization-group transformation for quantum statistics is developed and applied to the φ4 model. We find that quantum fluctuations at T=0 and thermal fluctuations at T0 restore the symmetry giving rise to a ferroelectric-paraelectric transition. The renormalized mass (the inverse dielectric susceptibility) and the coupling constant become temperature dependent. The renormalization constants and the Wilson functions are given by the calculation at T=0. The inverse susceptibility for n=1 and d=3 (n being the number of components of the order parameter and d the dimension) is given by χ1χqmf1|logχqmf1|13 (qmf refers to the quantum-mean-field susceptibility in the paraelectric phase). For materials with Tc=0 we find χqmf1T2 and χ1T2|logT2|13.