Research Into the Physiology of Maleness and Femaleness

THERE remains still a wealth of ignorance in our genuine scientific understanding of homosexuality. In view of its glaring contemporary visibility in the media and in everyday life, it is chastening to admit that there is not even general agreement upon its definition, much less upon such issues as its etiology and whether or not it is indicative of disturbance. In this communication, the interest focusses primarily upon etiology, and specifically upon the contributions, if any, made by biological and physiological research to the further understanding of the psychodynamics of homosexual development. While recognizing the fact of differences in opinion, I will offer an operational position upon definition and the issue of disturbance without attempting extended documentation; that has been addressed in a prior publication! Homosexuality is defined as the preferred or exclusive choice of a same-sex object as the source of genital sexual excitation and