A skin lesion was made in rats by dorsal incision and the insertion of a polythene tube. Over a period of 25 days after wounding, assays were performed for ascorbic acid, DNA, hydroxyproline, methionine, tryptophan, tyrosine and free amino acids in the lesion tissue. The neutral-salt-soluble proteins of the lesion tissue were fractionated on DEAE-Sephadex, with the separation of fibrinogen and gamma-globulin from a serum protein fraction. Over a period of 20 days after wounding, in wounded rats and in controls, assays were conducted for: ascorbic acid in lens and liver, hydroxy-proline, soluble protein, methionine and water in muscle and tendon, and free amino acids in muscle. Relative to controls there was a decrease in lens and liver ascorbic acid, a rise in tendon hydroxyproline, a rise in muscle free amino acids, a fall in muscle protein and a rise in tendon and muscle water.