Interactions among Flooding, Freezing, and Ice Encasement in Winter Wheat

Exposure of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to various combinations of flooding and freezing stresses induces much greater damage than the individual stresses. Cold-hardened plants flooded for 1 week or exposed to −6°C for 1 week show 100% survival, while survival of plants exposed to both stresses simultaneously is reduced by 20 to 30%, and cold hardiness decreases by several degrees. The level of nonstructural carbohydrates increases in crown tissue during cold acclimation, but decreases when the plants are exposed to flooding or to −6°C for 1 week. The respiratory capacity of crown tissue segments declines when the plants are stressed. Uptake of 86Rb by the roots of intact seedlings declines after exposure to either freezing or flooding, whereas passive efflux of amino acids is observed after freezing but not following flooding. This study has shown that detectable stress-induced metabolic changes occur in winter wheat before the applied stress is severe enough to reduce survival.