On the Organisation of the Visual Cortical Projection to the Pulvinar in Macaca mulatta (Part 1 of 2)

The inferior pulvinar nucleus of the macaque thalamus receives a visuotopically organised projection from the striate cortex. The centre of gaze is represented supero-laterally within the rostral region of the nucleus and the representation of the lower vertical meridian corresponds with the superior nuclear border. The representation of the horizontal meridian divides the inferior pulvinar into supero-medial and infero-lateral nuclear regions, where the lower and upper quadrantic visual fields are, respectively, represented. The striate cortico-inferior pulvinar projection fields assume the form of rostrocaudally oriented cell columns, which possibly represent intranuclear isoprojection lines. Circumstriate cortex projects mainly to the lateral pulvinar but also contributes some fibres to the inferior pulvinar; it remains uncertain whether this projection is topically organised.