Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer

Local recurrence (LR) varies from less than 4% to greater than 50%; several tumor factors and operative techniques may influence rate of LR. Of greatest interest has been the considerable inter-surgeon variation, even within the same institution. An LR rate of less than 10% has been consistently reported by those who use total mesorectal excision even without any form of adjuvant therapy, either preoperatively or postoperatively. These findings raise important questions about surgical technique, subspecialty teaching, place of adjuvant therapy and quality assurance. The management of LR by a multispecialty team and multimodality treatment including preoperative chemoradiation, surgical resection and intraoperative radiotherapy provides encouraging results in terms of better local control and prolonged survivorship in carefully selected patients. These uncontrolled results justify further evaluation of these salvage operations in a more controlled manner that should include repercussions on the quality of life of the patients.