Analysis of human papilloma virus associated lesions of the cervix in 1970 and 1980

Summary Abnormal cervical smears, 200 each from the 1970 and 1980 cytology files, were re-examined. A correlation between cytology and histology in 100 cases showed that in 68, histological evidence of human papilloma virus associated lesions was present. Cytological prediction of these lesions was 77 per cent correct where histology showed typical changes and 54 per cent correct in cases with suggestive histology. Comparison between 1970 and 1980 showed an almost four-fold increase in the total number of atypical smears identified, and in women under 25 a two-fold increase in the percentage of atypical smears showing papilloma virus change. Where an atypical smear had progressed to positive during the 10-year period, the rate of progression was not influenced by the presence of papilloma virus change.