Relaxation times for neodymium ethylsulfate have been derived from dispersion curves of the Casimir-duPré form, measured by an audio-frequency self-inductance bridge method at temperatures between 2.4 and 4.2 K and in magnetic fields between 150 and 2870 Oe parallel to the crystal c axis. The temperature dependence of the relaxation rate is described by DT2+BT9. The magnetic field dependence of B is satisfactorily fitted by Orbach's theoretical expression B(H)=B(H2+μHn2+12μHd2)(H2+Hn2+12Hd2), with B=(5.8±0.4)×105 sec1 K9 and 104×(μHn2+12μHd2)=151±13 Oe2. Various approximation schemes for estimating the dynamic crystal-field parameters have been used to calculate values of B and μHn2+12μHd2. Orbach's scheme, with Huang's factors added, gives a better account of the variation of the Raman relaxation rate at low fields and intermediate fields. At high fields either the Orbach-Huang or the Scott-Jeffries approximation schemes give reasonable Raman relaxation rates. A normal-mode theory fails to give agreement with experiment at either high or low fields, probably due to its use of a point-charge model for the crystal field. The direct process is found to be bottlenecked, but neither Orbach's nor Scott and Jeffries's scheme gives a rate coefficient large enough to satisfy the condition for a bottleneck. The bottlenecked direct-process coefficient shows a field dependence, decreasing by a factor of 2 as H increases.