Eye-movements reduce the vividness, emotional valence and electrodermal arousal associated with negative autobiographical memories

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of eye-movements on subjective and psychophysiological measures of arousal and distress associated with positive and negative autobiographical memories. These memories were ‘brought-to-mind’ whilst engaging in eye-movement or eyes-stationary conditions in a counterbalanced within subjects design, with pre and post eye-condition subjective ratings of emotional valence and image vividness. Participants also rated current symptomatology associated with negative memories using the Impact of Events Scale. Engagement in eye-movements compared to the eyes-stationary condition resulted in significant reductions on measures of vividness and emotional valence for both positive and negative autobiographical memories. Reductions in electrodermal arousal were only observed when engaging in eye-movements following elicitation of the negative memory. This effect was observed independently of symptom severity.