Detection of Recombinant DNA Segments Introduced to Genetically Modified Maize (Zea mays)

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) techniques are increasingly used for the detection of genetically modified (GM) crops in foods. In this paper, recombinant DNAs introduced into the seven lines of GM maize, such as Event 176, Bt11, T25, MON810, GA21, DLL25, and MON802, are sequenced. On the basis of the obtained sequence, 14 primer pairs for the detection of the segments, such as promoter, terminator regions, and construct genes, were designed. To confirm the specificities of the designed primer pairs, PCR was performed on genomic DNAs extracted from GM and non-GM maize, GM and non-GM soy, and other cereal crops. Because the presence of the corresponding DNA segments was specifically detected in GM crops by the designed primer pairs, it was concluded that this method is useful for fast and easy screening of GM crops including unauthorized ones. Keywords: Zea mays; genetically modified; PCR; detection technique; unauthorized GM crops