Intraocular Erosion of Circling Polyethylene Tubing and Silicone Plate

In the scleral buckling operation for retinal detachment, the use of circling polyethylene tubing is not without complications. Boniuk and Zimmerman first reported three cases in which extensive necrosis of the iris and ciliary body occurred after this procedure.1 In two of these cases there was also necrosis of the lens and retina. These complications were believed to have been secondary to the interference with the blood supply of the eye as a result of surgery. A later, more extensive study by the same authors revealed that necrosis of the iris and ciliary body occurred in approximately 14% of 150 cases in which retinal detachment operations had been performed.2 Another late complication of this surgical procedure is erosion of the ocular wall by the polyethylene tubing. Recently, Regan and Schepens have reported on 42 eyes with this complication, including the clinical and historical characteristics of these patients.3

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