Real-time Reconstruction of Scanned Optical Holograms Using an Electron Beam Addressed Spatial Light Modulator

Real-time holographic recording has recently been demonstrated (1990, Jpn J. appl. Phys., 29 L1840) using the optical heterodyne scanning technique proposed by Poon (1985, Jp. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 2 521). In this paper we discuss the reconstruction of holograms generated by the heterodyne scanning technique. The primary concentration is on real-time reconstruction using an electron beam addressed spatial light modulator (EBSLM). For comparison, coherent reconstruction methods are also presented. Additional topics to be addressed are the spatial frequency limitations of the EBSLM and the derivation of the incoherent point spread function (PSF) of the holographic imaging system. Based upon the derived PSF, the reconstructed real image of a simple slit object is formulated and compared with experimental observations. Descriptions of the scanning holographic recording technique and the operation of the EBSLM are also presented.