Sensory attributes and acceptance of sucrose and fat in strawberry yoghurts

Summary: Yoghurts containing approximately 0.1, 1.5, 3.2, or 5.2% dairy fat were sweetened with 6, 8, 10, or 12% sucrose and flavoured with strawberry jam. the sweetness, fattiness, and sourness of the resulting 16 samples were rated by a laboratory panel (n= 14), and the hedonic responses by a consumer panel (n= 41). As expected, the sweetness and fattiness increased with increasing sucrose and fat contents, respectively. Sucrose enhanced perceived fattiness and fat enhanced sweetness. Sourness was suppressed by both. the sample with 10% sucrose and 3.5% fat received the highest, and the samples with the lowest sucrose and fat contents the lowest, pleasantness ratings. Among the consumers, men preferred high sweetness and fattiness and low sourness, but women did not show any definite tendencies. Although the consumer panel was small, the results demonstrate the importance of segmenting consumers to predict product success.