Arylhydrocarbon (benzo(a)pyrene) hydroxylase, a mixed function oxygenase responsible for metabolism of foreign compounds, was assayed in various tissues of mature and immature blue crabs. Highest specific activities were found in mature female green gland (34,000 .+-. 2700 pmol/h mg protein) and stomach of mature individuals of either sex (2000 .+-. 900 pmol/h mg protein). The green gland activity of females varies at the different stages of maturity and molt cycle. Arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase activity is high during intermolt, falls during proecdysis and is low at ecdysis. The activity at intermolt increases with each succeeding molt cycle until maturity. An inverse correlation was shown for enzyme activity and levels of steroid molting hormones. This enzyme system, in addition to metabolizing foreign compounds, may play a role in regulation of crustacean molting hormones.