Ornithosis in Stockholm

Out of a total of 1128 patients with acute respiratory illness admitted to the Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Stockholm during the years 1963–1967 rising titres of complement-fixing (CF) antibodies against a Bedsonia antigen were found in 40 (3.5%). Half of the total patient material had pneumonia versus 88% of the patients with rising Bedsonia titre. Out of the 40 patients, 26 were found to have serological responses against several antigens (viruses and/or bacteria and/or Mycoplasma pneumoniae). Clinically there were some differences between patients with signs of ornithosis infection only and those with a multiple serological response. The incidence of CF antibodies against Bedsonia antigen in different groups of subjects in Stockholm was found to be 5–40%, the highest incidence being met with among pet shop workers.