Cadmium in kidney cortex of inhabitants of North-West Germany: its relationship to age, sex, smoking and environmental pollution by cadmium

Summary The cadmium concentration in kidney cortex (CdKc) was determined in 388 deceased persons, who at the time of death had lived in the cities of Düsseldorf and Duisburg, Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), and surrounding areas. The average CdKc concentration was found to be 17.1 μg/g wet weight. Individual values range from < 0.4 to 94.3 μg/g wet weight. The CdKc levels rapidly increase during the first decades of life. At the age of about 40 years, a plateau phase is reached. At high ages (> 70 years), the CdKc levels tend to decrease. Cigarette smokers have significantly higher CdKc concentrations than non-smokers. The increase of CdKc depends on the number of cigarettes smoked. Cigar and pipe smokers have slightly increased CdKc levels compared to non-smokers. Non-smokers who had spent the major part of their life in the area of Duisburg, a cadmium-polluted area, have, on the average, significantly higher CdKc levels than non-smokers from the less-polluted surrounding areas. In smokers the residential factor is masked by the effect of cigarette smoking.