Detection of chicken anaemia agent DNA sequences by the polymerase chain reaction

Summary A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed for detection of chicken anaemia agent (CAA) DNA. The assay used a single set of 20-base primers complementary to sequences located in the coding regions of the CAA replicative form (RF) DNA genome at positions 485 to 504 and 1048 to 1067. The observed amplification product had the expected size of 583 bp and was confirmed to derive from CAA RF DNA by a unique Hind III restriction enzyme cleavage pattern. The amplified fragment was shown to be specific for CAA RF DNA after chemiluminescence dot blot hybridisation with a digoxigeninlabelled 25-base internal probe. The optimised PCR assay was specific for CAA and highly sensitive, being able to detect a single CAA-infected MDCC-MSB1 cell and at least 100 fg of CAA RF DNA. Preliminary results also showed that the PCR assay can detect CAA DNA in clinical specimens from chicks experimentally infected with CAA.