Kosterlitz-Thouless vortex-scaling equations with nonzero current drives

The Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) scaling procedure for the two-dimensional planar spin model is generalized to include an x-axis-applied current density I. Scaling equations for vortex coupling Kl and vortex pair fugacity yl at a general minimum scale ael are derived, with current density acting as a y-axis ‘‘topological electric field’’ El on the ±1 vortex ‘‘topological charges.’’ A vortex-unbinding onset scale l=lc is defined by Elc=Klc, where the current-driven repulsion of the ±1 vortex pairs begins to exceed their attraction. The nonlinear resistance R(T¯,I¯)=2πRlc is related to the finite-scale phase-slip resistance Rl that has a minimum at l=lc. Above transition, the zero-current resistance R(T¯,I¯=0) shows KT-like exponential inverse square-root temperature dependence, and is a universal function of dimensionless temperature T¯. The current-voltage exponent α(T¯,I¯) curves (where VI1+α) are universal in T¯ and I¯≡ħI/(2ekBT). Below transition, the α curves are weakly dependent on I¯, with α(T¯,I¯) close to πK(T¯). Above transition, non-Ohmic behavior α(T¯,I¯)≠0 is predicted for strong current.