Self-consistent low-energy meson mass spectrum

In a typical hadron mass calculation the long-range (confining) part of the interaction between quarks (q) is assumed to be spin-independent. Any spin dependence is then attributed to short-range one-gluon exchange. This procedure tends to give an excessively small mass difference between pseudoscalar (P) and vector (V) mesons, at least if the quark-gluon coupling is fixed by other properties of the hadron spectrum. In the present paper we introduce an approach in which a large PV mass difference arises naturally. A confining interaction does not have to be assumed a priori. The spectrum is generated by imposing duality on an infinite sum of ladder graphs without crossed quark lines; this "planar bootstrap" corresponds to the limit Nflavor (in quantum chromodynamics we would have to take Ncolor at the same time). By making a certain simple dynamical approximation we then derive an explicit infinitely rising exchange-degenerate leading Regge trajectory α(t)=S1+S2+L(νa) for any given equal-mass-channel hadron + hadron→hadron + hadron process; S1 and S2 are external spins, L(νa)0.5+2ανa, and νa=sa+(tΣmi2)2, where the mi are the external masses and sa is the mass of an exchanged cluster a. By requiring the sa to be as low as possible and imposing simultaneous consistency for complete sets of meson + meson→meson + meson processes, we are able to calculate the entire natural- and unnatural-parity low-energy leading-trajectory qq¯ mass spectrum in terms of mρ and mK* alone. We obtain mπ2mρ2, a universal Regge slope α=(mρ2mπ2)12, and the usual mass formulas mφ2mK*2=mK*2mρ2=mK2mπ2=mηs2mK2, mω=mρ. In the case of ηu=(uu¯+dd¯)2, however, we obtain mηu2=13(mρ2+2mπ2), which gives mηu=0.462 GeV.