Assessing the state of the art in edge detection: 1992

Hoping the reader will not find the title overly pompous, we offer a brief and decidedly informal view of the state of the edge detection art, as we see it, in early 1992. We make no claim to clairvoyance, nor even to being especially insightful. But we have looked over the recent literature and made some attempt to evaluate where we are as a community with respect to this most ubiquitous problem and where we should be headed. We also briefly summarize the work of this session and our own recent contributions to compare the spectrum of philosophies represented to the community at large. This paper should be taken in the spirit in which it was written, which is to say not too seriously. Our aim is by no means frivolous, but we did try to have a little fun while dabbling as futurists. The ultimate goal of this paper is to stimulate some interesting interchange not so much on the `how to' of edge detection as on the `what next.'

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