Gamma‐Ray Constraints on Neutralino Dark Matter Clumps in the Galactic Halo

According to high resolution cold dark matter (CDM) simulations, large virialized halos are formed through the constant merging of smaller halos formed at earlier times. In particular, the halo of our Galaxy may have hundreds of dark matter clumps. The annihilation of dark matter particles such as the neutralino in these clumps generates $gamma$-ray fluxes that can potentially be detected by future experiments such as GLAST. We find that, depending on the parameters of the clump density profile and on the distribution of clumps in the Galactic halo, the contribution to the diffuse $gamma$-ray background from clumps can constrain the properties of neutralinos such as the mass and annihilation cross section. We model the density profile of clumps by three representative dark matter profiles: singular isothermal spheres (SIS), Moore profiles, and Navarro, Frenk and White (NFW) density profiles and calculate the spectrum and angular distribution in the sky of the $gamma$-ray flux due to neutralino annihilation in the clumpy halo of the Galaxy. The calculations are carried out in the context of two different scenarios for the distribution of clumps in the Galaxy and their concentrations, which result in very different conclusions.Comment: 24 pages, 7 ps fig