Three-dimensional iterative reconstruction algorithms with attenuation and geometric point response correction

A three-dimensional iterative reconstruction algorithm which incorporates models of the geometric point response in the projector-backprojector is presented for parallel, fan, and cone beam geometries. The algorithms have been tested on an IBM 3090-600S supercomputer. The iterative EM reconstruction algorithm is 50 times longer with geometric response and photon attenuation models than without modeling these physical effects. An improvement in image quality in the reconstruction of projection data collected from a single-photon-emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging system has been observed. Significant improvements in image quality are obtained when the geometric point response and attenuation are appropriately compensated. It is observed that resolution is significantly improved with attenuation correction alone. Using phantom experiments, it is observed that the modeling of the spatial system response imposes a smoothing without loss of resolution.<>