Schizosaccharomyces pombeprotein phosphatase 1 in mitosis, endocytosis and a partnership with Wsh3/Tea4 to control polarised growth

PP1 holoenzymes are composed of a small number of catalytic subunits and an array of regulatory, targeting, subunits. The Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome encodes two highly related catalytic subunits, Dis2 and Sds21. The gene for either protein can be individually deleted, however, simultaneous deletion of both is lethal. We fused enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) coding sequences to the 5′ end of the endogenous sds21+ and dis2+ genes. Dis2.NEGFP accumulated in nuclei, associated with centromeres, foci at cell tips and endocytic vesicles. This actin-dependent endocytosis occurred between nuclei and growing tips and was polarised towards growing tips. When dis2+ was present, Sds21.NEGFP was predominantly a nuclear protein, greatly enriched in the nucleolus. When dis2+ was deleted, Sds21.NEGFP levels increased and Sds21.NEGFP was then clearly detected at centromeres, endocytic vesicles and cell tips. Dis2.NEGFP was recruited to cell tips by the formin binding, stress pathway scaffold Wsh3 (also known as Tea4). Wsh3/Tea4 modulates polarised tip growth in unperturbed cell cycles and governs polarised growth following osmotic stress. Mutating the PP1 recruiting RVXF motif in Wsh3/Tea4 blocked PP1 binding, altered cell cycle regulated growth to induce branching, induced branching from existing tips in response to stress, and blocked the induction of actin filaments that would otherwise arise from Wsh3/Tea4 overproduction.