Bioenergetic model of planktivorous fish feeding, growth and metabolism: theoretical optimum swimming speed of fish larvae

The feeding activity of an individual fish larva is described by an equation which includes parameters for the area successfully searched, probability of food capture multiplied by the cross‐sectional perceptive visual field, larval swimming speed and the time required to consume a unit of food energy. The proportion of ingested food energy used for metabolism increases exponentially with increasing swimming speed. The model predicts that food consumption rate increases asymptotically whereas metabolic rate increases exponentially. This results in a predicted growth rate curve that reaches a maximum at a certain swimming speed and decreases at both higher and lower speeds.The model can be used to predict the influence of type of prey, prey density, water temperature etc. on larval growth. An expression describing how many hours per day fish larvae must forage in order to grow at a certain daily body weight gain allows the limits of environmental conditions for positive, zero and negative growth rate to be set.Results of simulations demonstrated that the optimum swimming speed for maximum growth of coregonid larvae increased with an increase in food density, decrease in water temperature or decrease of prey vulnerability. At optimum ‘theoretical’ swimming speed an increase in water temperature from 5 to 17° C required the food density to be increased from 20 to 80 copepods l−1 in order to maintain a daily growth increment of 2%. The minimum Artemia density required for maintenance metabolism increased from 10 to 30 items 11 over the same temperature increase from 5 to 17° C, and food densities required for 8% growth rates were 26 and 56 Artemia nauplii l−1 at 5 and 17° C, respectively.Contrary to previous findings, results of the present study suggest that metabolic rates of actively feeding fish larvae may be from 5 to 50 times the standard metabolic rate: earlier studies suggested that a factor of 2–3 may be generally applicable.