Multiple catalases in Bacillus subtilis

Vegetative cells of Bacillus subtilis in logarithmic growth phase produced one catalase, labeled catalase 1, with a nondenatured molecular weight of 205,000. As growth progressed, other activity bands with slower electrophoretic mobilities on polyacrylamide gels appeared, including a series of bands with a common nondenatured molecular weight of 261,000, collectively labeled catalase 2, and a minor band, with a molecular weight of 387,000, labeled catalase 3. Purified spores contained only catalase 2, and it was not produced in spo0A- or spo0F-containing mutants. Strains deficient in catalase 1 or catalase 2 or both were selected after mutagenesis. Sensitivities of the two main catalases to NaCN, NaN3, hydroxylamine, and temperature were similar, but the apparent Kms for H2O2 differed, being 36.6 and 64.4 mM, respectively, for catalase 1 and catalase 2. The levels of catalase 1 increased 15-fold during growth into stationary phase and could be increased 30-fold by the addition of H2O2 to the medium. Catalase 2, which was not affected by H2O2, appeared only after the cells had reached stationary phase, and the maximum levels were only half of the basal level of catalase 1.