Characterization of alcohol dehydrogenase in young soybean seedlings

Molecular properties of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) were examined in young soybean seedlings. Soybean radicle tissue is ADH-rich. Enzyme specific activity decreases slowly with the development of roots and becomes almost undetectable when the first true leaves appear. Soybean ADH was not found to be inducible by flooding. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) treatment increased ADH specific activity as much as 14-fold. Only one ADH isozyme was detected by isoelectric focusing. By DNA-DNA hybridization, soybean ADH genomic sequences were shown to be partly homologous to maize ADH1 cDNA. The presence of more than one Adh gene in soybean is discussed.