In some patients, so cold hybrid cardiologic procedures are performed whereas a heart is exposed surgically to puncture directly the heart cavity. After performing the interventional procedure, the opening in ventricular wall is closed surgically. We present our initial experience with closing the right ventricular (RV) cavity opening with the muscular ventricular septal defect Amplatzer occluder (A-MVSDO). In four sheep, heart was exposed surgically and punctured under direct vision by needle and guide wire, 14F and 26F sheath were introduced into right ventricle and the A-MVSDO was introduced causing closure of the RV opening. In all four cases, the occluder was successfully placed closing the opening in RV. No major bleeding after occlusion was observed. Following complications were observed: pneumothorax in two animals, rhythm disturbances and thrombus suspected in one. A-MVSDO occluder seems to be a useful device to close RV opening after hybrid interventional cardiologic procedure.