Purpose of review Multiple vaccination recommendations have recently targeted the adolescent age group. It is important for providers to be aware of all new recommendations, the rationale for the recommendations, and how to best implement recommendations for this age group. Recent findings The 11–12-year-old immunization platform now includes vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis or Tdap vaccine), meningococcal disease (conjugate meningococcal vaccine), human papillomavirus (for females), and a second varicella vaccination for those who have received one vaccination and have not had disease. Any missing vaccinations should be updated at this time. Many strategies exist to improve adherence to adolescent recommendations; the school mandate is an important yet controversial strategy that is being hotly debated in the literature. Summary There are many exciting, new vaccines for adolescents. It is important to improve vaccination coverage within the adolescent age group. Immunization against disease has previously been viewed as a primarily childhood issue, yet with ever-evolving technology and the need to vaccinate against diseases affecting all ages, vaccination strategies for adolescents need to be reviewed and improved. Mandates, when initiated with care, are one of the most effective implementation strategies for adolescents.