Studies on the Genetic Multiplicity of a Gene in Yeast Cells, I Characteristics of the Induced Mutations by Subcritical Temperature and Ultraviolet Light

The duplex nature of gene mutation of ad locus in yeast cells was studied by using subcritical temperature for one-hit type action and using ultraviolet light for two-hit action. The relative frequencies of whole colony mutation and fractional colony (sectored) mutation induced by these 2 agents are strikingly different: 59% whole, 23% fractional and 18% undefined for subcritical temperature; 14% whole, 72% fractional and 13% undefined for ultraviolet light. If it is assumed that subcritical temperature causes changes in both strands of a gene-DNA molecule and ultra-violet in one of the 2 strands by a single event, the results observed might be interpreted to indicate a genetic multiplicity of 2 of the gene.