This paper presents a tight-binding evaluation for an insulating system of the field-theoretic expressions for the self-energy Σxc, the density-functional (DF) exchange-correlation potential vxc, and the band-gap correction to the one-particle DF eigenvalues. To this end an analytical, energy- and density-dependent model for the self-energy within the random-phase approximation is used. Across both valence and conduction bands the results of this simple self-energy model are within a few percent of recent first-principles, numerical results for diamond, Si, and LiCl. The Σxc model should therefore be very useful for a variety of applications, such as calculations of band offsets. The new potential vxc, which is obtained from an integral equation involving Σxc, scales with the cube root of the density, with the proportionality factor α given by an explicit expression in terms of the plasma frequency and the average gap. For the valence electrons of Si, diamond, LiCl, and LiF α≃0.7. The band-gap correction due to the vxc discontinuity is evaluated on the basis of the self-energy model. It is found to account for the DF underestimates both in the large-gap insulators LiCl and C and the small-gap semiconductor Si.