Diffusion of oxyphenbutazone into synovial fluid, synovial tissue, joint cartilage and cerebrospinal fluid

The diffusion of oxyphenbutazone into synovial and cerebrospinal fluids and synovium and joint cartilage was investigated in 25 patients receiving short-term treatment. In the synovial fluid, the mean oxyphenbutazone concentration, was 57.1±13.4% of the plasma level, due to its excellent diffusion into the joint cavity. In synovial tissue, the oxyphenbutazone level was higher in patients with severe inflammation than in those with no or little inflammation. Penetration into joint cartilage is less than into synovial tissue. In cerebrospinal fluid the concentration was close to the level of free plasma oxyphenbutazone. The findings show increased diffusion of oxyphenbutazone towards its site of action in inflammation.