The effects of energetic particles on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) type modes are studied using analytical theories and the nonvariational kinetic‐MHD stability code (nova‐k) [Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasmas, (Societa Italiana di Fisica, Bologna, 1987), p. 185]. In particular, the problems of (1) the stabilization of ideal MHD internal kink modes and the excitation of resonant ‘‘fishbone’’ internal modes and (2) the alpha particle destabilization of toroidicity‐induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) via transit resonances are addressed. Analytical theories are presented to help explain the nova‐k results. For energetic trapped particles generated by neutral beam injection or ion cyclotron resonant heating, a stability window for the n=1 internal kink mode in the hot particle beta space exists even in the absence of core ion finite Larmor radius effect. On the other hand, the trapped alpha particles are found to resonantly excite instability of the n=1 internal mode and can lower the critical beta threshold. The circulating alpha particles can strongly destabilize TAE modes via inverse Landau damping associated with the spatial gradient of the alpha‐particle pressure.