Four new species of myxosporidian parasites are described from marine fishes from Plymouth:Sinuolinea rebaen.sp., from the urinary bladder ofSolea solea; Leptotheca vikramin.sp., from the gall bladder ofZeus faber; Zschokkella russellin.sp., from the gall bladder ofGaidropsarus tricirratusandCiliata mustela; andZschokkella sturionisn.sp., from the gall bladder ofAcipenser sturio.The various terms used in describing the spore of Myxosporidia are reviewed and revised.A new classification is proposed of the order Myxosporidia.I wish to thank the Director of the Marine Biological Association's Laboratory for all the facilities he has enabled me to enjoy during my stay at Plymouth, by dedicating a new species ofZschokkellato him. As a mark of gratitude, and with a deep sense of respect to His Highness the Maharaja of Narsinghgarh State, C.I., I take the liberty of dedicating to him the new species ofLeptothecaI have discovered. But for his encouragement and help in the early stages of my career it would have been impossible for me to apply for the India State Scholarship which I now hold. I take this opportunity of expressing my thanks to Miss N. G. Sproston for her unfailing help and encouragement during the present studies and am very grateful to her for going through the manuscript critically.