This paper presents some new velocity correlation measurements in a two-dimensional zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer; these extend the work of Grant (1958). The most detailed of the new measurements concern: correlations between velocity fluctuations in the mean flow direction and fluctuations perpendicular to the wall at a different point, usually but not always in the same plane parallel to the wall; correlations between velocity fluctuations in the mean flow direction and fluctuations perpendicular to this but parallel to the wall, usually but not always close to the wall with the separation in the same direction as the latter velocity fluctuation; and various correlations with a fixed separation normal to the wall and a simultaneous variable separation in the mean flow direction.The results are not consistent with any of the various models of the large eddy structure that have been proposed. The features of the present work most relevant to the formulation of a substitute are brought together in §9. Included are suggestions that the similarities between the wall and outer regions are more marked than the differences, and that the description of the large eddies in the wall region as a coherent eruption from the viscous sublayer is unsatisfactory.The new experiments are considered in connexion with three questions posed by the previous work. These concern the large eddy contribution to the Reynolds stress; the asymmetry between upstream and downstream separations when there is also a separation normal to the wall; and the similarity between boundary layers and channel flow. A complicated situation surrounds the first point; there are arguments suggesting that the large eddy contribution might in some places be of opposite sign to the total Reynolds stress, but this no longer seems so likely. The upstream-downstream asymmetry is also more complicated than had been previously supposed, but the results can be systematically interpreted if the peaks of the correlation curves are considered in connexion with continuity and the tails of the curves are considered in connexion with the shearing action of the mean flow. Regarding the third point, the present experiments give no indication of any difference in the large eddy structure in the wall regions of boundary layer turbulence and channel flow turbulence.Section 5 gives a brief account of some experiments with a vibrating ribbon in the turbulent boundary layer.

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