Kernel development was studied in the maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids United-H106 and Funk’s G-4444, grown in a controlled-environment growth room. A method was employed in which husks were excised, and kernels were removed from the same set of ears at several subsequent sampling dates. This method did not affect the dry matter accumulation of the remaining kernels. Basal kernels (kernel numbers 6–15 in the row) and tip kernels (kernel numbers 31–40) were removed at 2-day intervals during the period from 10 to 20 days postsilking. Dry weight, ethanol-soluble sugar content, and starch content were determined for each sample. Accumulation of dry matter in the tip kernels ceased in a fraction of the United-H106 ears at the onset of the period of linear tip-kernel dry matter accumulation. Only small differences were observed in sugar content between growing and non-growing tip kernels of ears of United-H106. Starch appeared to continue to accumulate in kernels in which dry matter had ceased to accumulate. Except for a delay of approximately 2 days, the pattern of development of tip kernels in Funk’s G-4444 was similar to that of kernels at the base.