Evidence of Nuclear Structures fromK−-Meson Absorption

The characteristics of the multinucleon capture of K mesons in nuclei have been investigated in both normal and water-soaked G5 nuclear emulsion. It has been found that the emission of fast (⋝ 60 MeV) hyperons is more often associated with K captures in light (C,N,O) than in heavy (Ag,Br) nuclei. Further, considering the relative absorptions of Σ hyperons in the parent nucleus in which they are produced, we inferred that the rate of multinucleon K absorptions is approximately the same for all nuclei of nuclear emulsion and corresponds to ∼17% of all K absorptions at rest. From those events which can be definitely assigned to interactions in light nuclei, by virtue of energy and momentum conservation, it was found that the reaction K+(n, n)Σ+n is of comparable intensity with the reaction K+(n, p)Σ+p, and that in light nuclei, the major mode of multinucleon K absorption in C,N,O appears to be on a pair of nucleons in an α-particle cluster. Comparison of the characteristics of the K multinucleon absorptions in light and heavy nuclei shows that α-particle clusters are less likely to be involved in (Ag,Br) than in (C,N,O). An attempt to estimate the nuclear pair correlation function was also made.