Evaluation and Treatment of Infertility in Spinal Cord Injured Men Through Rectal Probe Electroejaculation

A total of 18 men older than 19 years with spinal cord injury was evaluated for fertility potential with testing of semen obtained by rectal probe electroejaculation. After fertility testing, including sperm penetration assay, semen cryopreservation and sperm antibody status, 6 of the 18 men proceeded with their partners to use rectal probe electroejaculation in efforts to conceive. Sperm was obtained in 16 of 18 cases. Average ejaculate total sperm count (306 million) was good but motility (22%) was poor. Adequate sperm retrieval after processing yielded a normal sperm penetration assay in 4 of 16 cases (25%) in which sperm were obtained. Favorable semen cryopreservation (greater than 33% of pre-freeze motility noted after thaw) was present in 5 of 16 cases (31%). Live births were achieved in 2 of 6 couples attempting conception. Despite the typically poor sperm motility noted in electroejaculates, rectal probe electroejaculation can result in pregnancies from couples involving spinal cord injured men. The sperm penetration assay data indicate that pregnancy should be achievable in at least 25% of spinal cord injured couples. Achieving these conceptions requires a team approach involving a urologist/andrologist, gynecologist/reproductive endocrinologist and a sperm-processing laboratory.