Summary: Experimental deformation of water-rich argillaceous sediments has shown that they deform not by pervasive homogeneous flow, as has sometimes been surmised in the past, but by intense slippage within very narrow, discrete zones of shear. These shear zones enable large total strains to be accomplished whilst leaving the bulk of the material undisturbed. Macroscopically the zones are shiny, finely-grooved planes which may be stepped where sub-structures intersect them. Under the microscope the zones are seen to result from pronounced particle reorientation into sub-parallelism with the zone margins, presumably by slippage at the grain scale. The zones commonly curve and anastomose, and various sub-fabrics may be discernible. Although the details vary, the shear zones are strikingly consistent throughout the range of experimental conditions. In specimens with 15% water content, the shear zones lack cohesion and are analogous to shear fractures in brittle rocks. Between approximately 15–45% water content the same overall geometry persists, but the shear zones maintain cohesion. At greater water contents, up to at least 60%, the clay sediments are extremely weak and although they may appear to be undergoing pervasive flow, microscopic examination reveals that even here arrays of short, narrow zones of concentrated displacement are being generated.