Rats were made cryptorchid, bi- or unilaterally, by cutting gubernaculum testis at birth. At 100 days of age, the basal plasma testosterone concentration was smaller in bilateral cryptorchid animals as compared to unilateral cryptorchid and control rats. After acute LH[luteinizing hormone, lutropin]-stimulation plasma testosterone concentration increased in all rats, where the highest concentrations were found in the control group. The amount of testosterone in the testis after a 30 min LH-stimulation was lower in both kinds of cryptorchid testes but higher in the scrotal testis of the unilateral cryptorchid rats, all as compared to control testis. This decreased effect of LH observed in cryptorchid animals indicates an impaired Leydig cell function in cryptorchid testis. The results also show a compensatory hyperfunction of Leydig cells in the scrotal testes of unilateral cryptorchid rats. The intratesticular estradiol-17.beta. concentration was increased 3-fold in unilateral cryptorchid testes and even more in bilateral cryptorchid ones.