Lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease (nodular paragranuloma)?a bcl-2 negative germinal centre lymphoma

Hodgkin's disease, lymphocyte predominance type (nodular paragranuloma), is of germinal centre origin and the tumour cells have a B-cell phenotype. As the T(14;18) translocation, and the subsequent expression of bcl-2 protein by germinal centre cells, is the most characteristic finding of centroblastic-centrocytic lymphoma, we have tested a series of 11 cases of lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease, using Southern blot analysis for the major breakpoint region and the minor breakpoint cluster region, polymerase chain reaction with primers for the major and minor breakpoint cluster region, and immunohistological studies with a monoclonal antibody specific for the bcl-2 protein. All three techniques gave negative results in the cases of Hodgkin's disease, establishing a clear differentiation from centroblastic-centrocytic lymphoma. These findings are useful in the differential diagnosis between the two entities and raise the question of the non-clonal nature of lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease.