The efferent (olivo-cochlear) innervation of the organ of Corti was studied using a monoclonal antibody against choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). In the inner spiral bundle (ISB), below the inner hair cells (IHCs), the anti-ChAT immunoreactivity was observed within unvesiculated fibers and vesiculated varicosities. Unreactive varicosities, at least as numerous as the immunoreactive ones, were also detected. Both types of vesiculated varicosities synapsed with the dendrites of the primary auditory neurons (afferent fibers) connected to the IHCs. At the outer hair cell (OHC) level, nearly all the vesiculated terminals making axo-somatic synapses with the OHCs were anti-ChAT immunoreactive. Only few terminals synapsing with the OHCs were unreactive. These findings allowed the differentiation of at least three types of efferent synapses in the organ of Corti. In the ISB, a first population of axo-dendritic synapses seems to be cholinergic whereas a second population might use another neurotransmitter. At the OHC level, our results support the hypothesis that acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter of nearly all the large axo-somatic synapses. The rare unreactive axo-somatic synapses could constitute a fourth and minor type of efferent synapse. Thus, it would be helpful to subclassify the efferent innervations of the organ of Corti according to their neurochemical nature. A re-evaluation of the whole body of available electrophysiological data would be also necessary, as until now, acetylcholine was considered as being the only efferent cochlear neurotransmitter.