Detailed Fe57 Mössbauer studies of the static and dynamic critical behavior of the layered antiferromagnets RbFeF4 and KFeF4 are reported. All measurements were performed on single crystals with the direction of the γ rays perpendicular to the magnetic layers. Both systems undergo a second-order phase transition at the Néel temperature TN=133.57(2) K for RbFeF4 and TN=135.79(2) K for KFeF4. Special attention was given to a careful evaluation of reliable values for the critical indices. In the asymptotic critical region below TN, the temperature dependence of the hyperfine field H is well described by the power law Htβ, where β is the static critical exponent of the order parameter, and t=1TTN is the reduced temperature. The following asymptotic values for β were found: β=0.316(3) for RbFeF4 in the range 5×104<t<102 and β=0.151(3) for KFeF4 in the range 3.8×104<t<5.7×102. These results indicate that RbFeF4 shows a three-dimensional critical behavior, in contrast to KFeF4, where the magnetic transition is essentially two dimensional in nature. The present values for β disagree considerably with the nonasymptotic values previously reported by other groups. Just above TN a characteristic line broadening ΔΓ due to critical spin fluctuations is observed. At the critical point ΔΓ diverges as ΔΓ|t|w, where the exponent w involves, besides two static exponents, the dynamic exponent z. In the critical region 104<|t|<103, the following values for w and the corresponding values for z were obtained: w=0.81(6), z=2.15(19) for RbFeF4 and w=0.91(5), z=1.29(9) for KFeF4. These values are compared to those predicted by the current theory of critical dynamics. At TN the center shift and the quadrupole splitting show a pronounced anomaly that appears to be associated with the onset of magnetic ordering.