Reproduction in the Male Ferret: Gonadal Activity During the Annual Cycle; Recrudescence and Maturation

Ten mature male ferrets and 1 castrate male ferret were housed outdoors and monthly blood samples and testis measurements were taken for 1 yr. Plasma samples were assayed for testosterone. The size of the testes and the testosterone concentrations in the plasma showed a high correlation. The testis size was reduced (mean length 12 .+-. 1 mm) and the plasma testosterone concentrations were low (mean 3.3 .+-. 0.6 ng/ml) from Aug.-Dec. Both parameters rose gradually until peak values of testis size (mean length 20 .+-. 0.2 mm) and plasma testosterone concentrations (mean 47.5 .+-. 2 ng/ml) were reached in April, May and June. In addition blood samples and testes measurements were taken every 2 wk from Nov.-April from a group of 12 mature and 9 immature male ferrets which were housed indoors under a simulated natural photoperiod regimen. Animals were sacrificed periodically for histological data. The processes of recrudescence of the mature and maturation of the immature ferret were compared. These 2 processes were very similar with respect to the parameters measured and both groups of animals were reproductively competent when the females came into estrus in the spring.