Many aspects of the blood vascular network of the lymph node are unknown, and others need confirmation. We have studied the blood vasculature of rat peripheral lymph nodes by means of carbon perfusion and vascular cast corrosion techniques. At the hilus of the node, an artery gives off arterioles running in medullary cords towards the cortex. Some reach the peripheral cortex directly, branching there into slender cortical vessels. Other arterioles enter the periphery of the deep cortex units, and then head towards the peripheral cortex. Upon reaching it, they curve part way above the center of the deep cortex units and provide slender branches to the overlying peripheral cortex. Dense plexuses of capillaries arise from arterioles in the medullary cords, in the periphery of the deep cortex units, and in the outermost stratum of the extrafollicular zone of the peripheral cortex. In the cortex, the draining high endothelial venules are restricted to the extrafollicular zone and to the periphery of the deep cortex units. At the cortico‐medullary junction, these peculiar venules transform into regular medullary venules which form the hilar veins. In contrast, the folliculo‐nodules and center of the deep cortex units are little vascularized by a loose capillary network, while no vessels occur in the subsinus layer. These features of the node vascular network are of interest in relation to the node architecture.