Asymptotic Behavior of Trajectory Functions and Size of Classical Orbits

The strong-coupling limits of several ladder-graph models are explored. A correlation is found between the power of the coupling constant appearing in the leading Regge trajectory α(t=0) and the size of classical orbits described by the coordinate-space Bethe-Salpeter wave function. Specifically: (i) For the φ3 theory with exchanged mass m0, the orbit radius r0 approaches a fixed value and α(t=0)g12. (ii) For φ3 with m=0, r0 grows linearly with g and α(t=0)g. (iii) For φ4, r00 and the leading singularity is a fixed cut in t. Expansions about classical orbits are possible in the first two cases, and lead in lowest order to a harmonic-oscillator equation from which corrections to the classical result may be derived.